We take a morning flight to Zurich. It is a little bit warmer there (15°) than in Riga. There We rent a black VW – with enough space for one bag to fit in a trunk and rest of them on the back seat. We take the freeway to Bodensee, where we leave the freeway to stop at the lake near Rorschach.
At the shore there’s flagpoles carrying flags of Switzerland, Austria and Germany – Switzerland owns the south side of the shore, Germany and Austria – the north and the eastern one. We take a stroll on the shore to observe very interesting sculpture work, which are copies from several sand sculpture festivals, happening every summer in Rorschach.

Then we’re driving to the valley of Montafon. We arrive at the Mansaura, which is a guest house owned by our friends Nora and Janis, shortly before the dark.
Mansaura is a beautiful house on the very top of the village of Fandana, so it’s very easy to spot it. You have to take a right from the freeway and go straight up to the top of the mountain until at the farther end of the village, on the left side of the street there’s a four storey building with title “Mansaura” on it. After ringing on the door you will be expected by kindly welcoming Janis or Nora. While they are making their way downstairs you can check out the picture of the National Monument of Latvia with scripture saying “For the freedom and the Fatherland”.

Nora invites us for a meal of Strudel. The Strudel with ice cream is very delicious. After the meal it was easier to plan the schedule for the next day.
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