
Montgarri monastery

It’s sunny again. Still not warm – some 8-9 Celsius in the morning. We take a 12km track by the pleasant valley to Montgarri monastery.

The track starts at the Plan de Beret parking lot – a huge parking place now almost empty (waiting for skiers). We follow a mountain road by a stream. The valley is rather flat, mountains green. Some blue thistles in blossoms. After an easy 6km walk (some body parts sending another kind of signals though) we are at the point of interest. It is an old beautiful church accompanied by a hotel, restaurant and a souvenir shop. No monastery though but we can explore the inside of the church not disturbed by anybody else. And to climb the second store as well.

We order a coffee and cola (for no-coffee ones) and consume what we have for lunch. Then follow another way back.

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