
Marcadou valley

It reins all the night. The weather is terrible in the morning, we consider driving to Lourdes. When we are done with the breakfast the picture has changed. No rain and more light in mountain. We change our plans and drive to valley de Marcadou. We reach the Pont d’Espagne and leave our car in the giant almost empty car park.

We start our way in the middle of the group of French kids – apparently the classmates. Everybody (us including) is busy watching the goats high in the mountains. The mountains are covered with snow the still green plants are covered by snow and ice crystals. We follow the path almost till the Refuge de Wallon, then take the path to Lac de Arratille. There is a cold wind up there, dark clouds accumulate, puddles cover with ice.

It snows on the way down to the Pont d’Espagne but sun shows up from time to time.

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