
Tuc de Ratera

The plan for today is to climb to the Tuc de Ratera summit. The weather is sunny but rather chilly in the morning – about 5 Celsius. We drive to Salardu then turn of to the smaller road to the mountain hotel Banhs de Tredos. Here we start out hike by the mountain road then path to the large Lac Major de Colomers. Here next to the lake are located the Colomers refuge (two of them in fact  – the old and the new one). On the way to the Colomers we found a hollow full of grass white colored in frost. We proceed uphill by several beautiful lakes, then to Port de Ratera de Colomers mountain pass and to the Tuc de Ratera summit. One of the lakes we walk by has name Lac deth Ombres. Ombre means shadow in French and it looks sort of shady.

When descending from the Lac Major de Colomers we split – Benita and Imants  follow a road, me and Ilze – the same path we ascended.

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To the start