The route to the Noufont starts near the village of Prets-Balager. The last 5km of the road are terrible – we drive mostly on the first gear. We leave the car near the small lake. The path follows the mountain stream. The meadows are full of rhododendrons and other flowers in full blossoms. Higher on the slope we find as well the gentians – a bright blue bell shaped flowers. The marmots are here as well. Here and there we have to cross the piles of snow. There is a lot of snow on the Spanish side of Col de Noufont pass. This appears to us strange because this is the south side. Perhaps the shadow from other mountains is the reason.
The last section of the path to Pic du Noufont follows a rather steep mountain ridge. We progress here slower but still manage to reach the top. The stunning views from the summit are a reward. The Canigou is one of the summits we see around.
The way down looks longer. The clouds accumulate high in the mountaints but the sun still brightly shines on out path. The rain starts only when we are already in the car.
Near town of Font-Pedroso we notice the Train Jaune passing by. We stop by the bridge to make some shots. We are not the only ones 🙂