We decide in favor of sea for today and drive shortest way through gorge Hermida to Uniquera. We cross the highway Santander-Oviedo near Uniquera and soon are at the sea. We walk the winding path though an empty camping place down to the sea. I take off the boots and paddle the cool seaside water. Meanwhile Ilze finds a grotto.

Next we drive to San Vicente de la Barquera. The town center is located on a peninsula formed by junction of two rivers near the sea. The center is linked to other parts of town by two magnificent bridges. It is low tide when we arrive – the ships and boats lie in sand near the water.
We start to explore the town from the river junction. On the front end of the peninsula is located the former royal palace (now museum), on the back end we see the cathedral. The town center is surrounded by walls. We enter the royal palace and explore the expositions. There is a splendid view from the top of the palace to the summits of Picos de Europa and to the sea. While we stroll the high high tide have started.
Next we drive over the East-most bridge and stop near the beach. We take a lunch near the sea and enjoy the sights across the river to the town center. Having done with the lunch we drive to another – much larger beach. We walk to the farther end of the beach and see there a couple of surfers and s lonely swimmer.
Further on we drive to Comillas. We did not manage to come closer to impressive university building standing on top of the hill near the sea – the renovation in progress there. Still we examine the building designed by Gaudi – El Capricho de Gaudi. After that we stroll the streets of the town center and find, in particular, Puerte de Moro (Moro gate). The gate has 3 gateways – for cars, for people and for birds. The legend tells that the gate is designed by Gaudi. He have walked by the sea one day and observed the birds. Hit by inspiration he have designed the gate in the sand by his stick.
We make another stop close to the sea near the University building. We walk to the shore and climb down to the water that slashes against rocks. Marvelous.